Taħditiet Selvaġġi
#wildtalks Deliberazzjoni taċ-ċittadini dwar it-Tranżizzjoni Ekoloġika
Wara l-avveniment: tikkonsolida r-rakkomandazzjonijiet
17/06/2024 - 30/06/2024
Fażijiet tal-proċess
Bidliet fi "Balanced approach that ensures the protection of both human communities and wildlife”
Modalità ta’ viżwalizzazzjoni biex tqabbel:
Modalità ta’ viżwalizzazzjoni HTML:
- +{"en"=>"Balanced approach that ensures the protection of both human communities and wildlife", "bg"=>"", "cs"=>"", "de"=>"", "el"=>"", "es"=>"", "et"=>"", "fi"=>"", "fr"=>"", "ga"=>"", "hr"=>"", "hu"=>"", "it"=>"", "lt"=>"", "lv"=>"", "mk"=>"", "mt"=>"", "nl"=>"", "pl"=>"", "pt"=>"", "ro"=>"", "sk"=>"", "sl"=>"", "sr"=>"", "sv"=>"", "uk"=>"", "da"=>""}
Kontenut prinċipali
Co-existing with wild animals requires a balanced approach that ensures the protection of both human communities and wildlife while maintaining sustainable ecosystems and encouraging them to thrive.
", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]
Awtur tal-verżjonijiet
Verżjoni maħluqa fi
18/11/2024 18:36