Wild Talks
#wildtalks A citizens deliberation on the Green Transition
Big Wildlife
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Справка: rdeu-DEBA-2024-05-47
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Nature and the ecosystems that help us live are in big trouble. Things like large-scale farming, cutting down forests, spreading cities, and pollution are hurting biodiversity in Europe. This puts thousands of animals and habitats at risk. Changes to rivers and lakes, like building dams and taking too much water, along with invasive species and the climate crisis, damage our ecosystems. How can ensure we take care of our nature world?
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Sustainable technologies like agroecology, green infrastructure, and nature-based solutions can mitigate these impacts but often lack funding due to corporate lobbying.
Governments should prioritize sustainable practices by redirecting subsidies from harmful industries, enforcing stringent environmental regulations, and investing in green infrastructure. The European Union can lead by leveraging policies like the Common Agricultural Policy and the European Green Deal.
Public advocacy is crucial. Citizens can support sustainable practices through their choices and by lobbying politicians for stronger environmental protections and funding for sustainable technologies. Governments can protect habitats, incentivize sustainable agriculture, invest in green infrastructure, fund sustainable technology research, promote waste reduction and recycling, and involve citizens in environmental decisions.
By adopting these measures, we can protect biodiversity and ensure a sustainable future.
To address environmental crises and biodiversity loss, societal values must shift from prioritizing constant economic growth and corporate profits to emphasizing well-being and respect for nature. This shift involves redefining success to include ecological health and social equity, using metrics like the Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI) alongside GDP.
Governments should enforce stronger environmental regulations, redirect subsidies from harmful industries to sustainable practices, and offer tax incentives for environmentally friendly businesses. Public awareness and education are crucial for fostering a culture that values biodiversity and sustainability, leading to increased public pressure on politicians.
Strengthening legal frameworks, such as recognizing the rights of nature, can protect ecosystems. Businesses should adopt sustainability reporting and corporate social responsibility practices that go beyond profit maximization, measuring and reporting their environmental impact.
I agree. I think, that one measure is to apply the supply chain law (approved already in EU und Germany) also to all agricultural products: there must be sanctions for products, which in the productions chain damage environment and people. We have to begin in Europe with the implementation of this law.
La perte de biodiversité est l'un des signes les plus net de l'emprise des activités humaines sur l'environnement. La pollution, l'artificialisation des terres et la destruction des habitats naturels boulversent l'équilibre de chaque milieu de vie qu'ils soient aquatiques, terrestres ou aériens...
Toutes ces perturbations viennent gêner le reproduction des espèces mais aussi rendent difficile la survie de ceux déjà présents sur place en les privant d'espaces ou de ressources pour vivre.
Nous pouvons les sources de pollutions les plus importantes en zone urbaine :
- les transports qui emmèttent des gaz a effet de serres et des particules fines
-les industries qui rejettent elles aussi des gaz mais aussi d'autres polluants qui peuvent finir dans l'environnement (via l'eau)
- la pollution lumineuse et sonore qui émmanent des activités en général
Des actions au niveau local comme la réduction des éclairages publics ou la sanctuarisation des espaces peuvet aider à protéger la faune.
Regarding conserving large wildlife, a multi-faceted approach is necessary. Establishing and effectively managing protected areas can provide safe habitats for large species. Creating wildlife corridors to connect fragmented habitats allows for gene flow and migration. Anti-poaching laws need to be strictly enforced, and community-based conservation programs can engage local populations in protecting wildlife. Promoting coexistence through measures such as compensation schemes for livestock losses and the development of wildlife-friendly farming practices is also essential.
Policies for massive reforestations need to be implemented in the mountains and national parks, in order to reduced the land slide, natural disasters, protect wildlife, and improve the risk management of the wildfires as direct results of climate change and rising temperatures
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