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#RealDealEurope Millised keskkonnaküsimused on teie jaoks kõige olulisemad?
Milliseid keskkonnaga seotud probleeme peate praegu kõige olulisemateks ja pakilisemateks?
Alustage vestlust teie jaoks olulisel teemal, postitades oma idee ja vaadake, kas teised Euroopa kodanikud on teiega nõus.
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By 2030 nearly 60% of the global population is projected to be urban. Cities are drivers of...
Beaucoup de personnes ont actuellement accès à des jardins partagés dans les grandes villes et...
We need to make sure that the green transition is inclusive and that the cost does not fall on...
Der motorisierte Individualverkerh in Städten führt zu erheblichen Gesundheitsrisiken und führt...
A hydrogen strategy was developed to combat climate change and transition the continent away from...
As the global community pushes towards renewable energy, it's crucial to consider how this...
Policy Recommendation towards Green Transition: Women's Education is crucial towards successful...
In a significant move to combat air pollution and climate change, Parisians have recently voted...
I remember when I read an article in the Guardian 6 years ago: "Lack of women in energy holding...
In my opinion, ocean preservation is an important issue. Their ecosystems are threatened by...
Greenhouse gas emissions are leading to a global rise in temperature. Limiting these emissions is...
Nous vivons aujourd'hui dans un monde pollué de toute part. L'air, l'eau, la terre, tout notre...
As AI technologies increasingly shape energy systems, resource management, and economic...
Join us as we delve into one of Europe's most pressing environmental challenges—its worst drought...
Europe faces a critical challenge as the space for civil society continues to contract under the...