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#RealDealEurope Katera okoljska vprašanja so za vas najpomembnejša?
How to make Europe greener without leaving anyone behind
We need to make sure that the green transition is inclusive and that the cost does not fall on the same people who are already struggling to make ends meet.
in še 7 oseb
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Naznani neprimerno vsebino
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Hyvinvointiyhteiskunnissa kuten Pohjoismaissa on jo varsin kattavat tulonsiirtojärjestelmät sekä sosiaaliturva, välillä tuntuu, että liiankin, sillä toimettomuus ja passiivisuus ei ole kenellekään hyvästä, vaan tukien tulee mielestäni olla vastikkeellisia ja ennenkaikkea tekemiseen perustuvia. Tuloerojen kasvua tulee hillitä, maltillisesti ja ihmisiä positiivisesti aktivoiden ja tekemään osallistaen. Maanviljelyä ja elintarviketuotantoa ekologisempiin käytäntöihin ohjaamalla osallistetaan myös tuottajat sekä tuotanto mukaan vihreäsiirtymään. Uskon, että tämä vaatii pitkäjänteistä suunnitelmallisuutta, jotta investoinnit saavat suosiota ja yritykset esim. energiatehokkaisiin investointeihin ja kestävämmän tuotannon kehittämiseen rahoitusta.
We also need to consider those who might lose their jobs due to the green transition, ensure that they are taken care of and are offered a path to develop new skills in other areas where they believe they can perform....
I agree! But I would add the community around the industry, so not just the workers, but all those who are working around the industry, e.g. those working in kindergartens or schools in mining towns etc etc
You need to have timely and accessible and regular consultations with those who will be mostly affected by the initiatives. Green initiatives needs to be built on the actual needs of the people, and not the assumed needs. People are experts on their lived experiences.
It requires a comprehensive approach that addresses environmental sustainability, social equity, and economic viability.Participatory approaches, such as community consultations, citizen assemblies, and stakeholder engagement, can help build trust and foster cooperation towards shared environmental goals.
I agree about the importance of participatory approaches, citizen deliberation forums and assemblies in the context of sustainability policy processes
I also agree with that. Maybe there are probably a lot to learn from experiences from the global south where some populations are much more affected environmental crisis...
I support this proposal
Dear sir/Madam,
Greetings from APSDHISAR,
Our organization Support this proposal
Mange Ram Adhana President
Association For Promotion Sustainable Development
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