Deliberazzjoni taċ-Ċittadini Ewropej dwar it-Tranżizzjoni Ekoloġika
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L-approvazzjonijiet huma soġġetti għar-regoli li ġejjin:
- - Tista’ tapprova sa 4 ideat;
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12-il Idea
Iffiltra t-tfittxija tiegħek hawn taħt
Aqbeż għar-riżultatiIffiltra t-tfittxija tiegħek hawn taħt
Aqbeż għar-riżultati
Qiegħed l-ideat fl-ordni ta'
Riżultati f'kull paġna:
Food is crucial for life, health, and growth, but the way we produce food globally, with big...
A "wellbeing economy" puts the public's well-being first, not just focusing on economic growth...
Our planet has limited resources, but our current way of living suggests otherwise. Our economic...
Nature and the ecosystems that help us live are in big trouble. Things like large-scale farming,...
Air pollution doesn't stay in one place. The pollutants in the air, carried by the wind, can...
I Europa idag finns det massor med industrier som släpper ut miljöfarliga ämnen, industrierna gör...
To ensure significant ecological changes to our planet and mitigate the effects of climate...
Τι θα γινόταν αν μπορούσαμε να συνδέσουμε την αναγεννητική γεωργία με την υγειονομική περίθαλψη...
Antalet fordon i Europa bara ökar för varje dag, de flesta fordon idag drivs av bränsle med hög...