Deliberazzjoni taċ-Ċittadini Ewropej dwar it-Tranżizzjoni Ekoloġika
Lejn Patt Ewropew għall-Futur – Nippjanaw il-Passi Li jmiss tat-Transizzjoni Ekoloġika Tagħna
Results of the Deliberation
During this assembly 85 participants developed a set of recommendations, which you will find below. Please contribute to the debate and give us you opinion on these recommendations, by commenting and and/or endorsing them.
4 Ideat
Iffiltra t-tfittxija tiegħek hawn taħt
Aqbeż għar-riżultatiIffiltra t-tfittxija tiegħek hawn taħt
Aqbeż għar-riżultati
Qiegħed l-ideat fl-ordni ta'
Riżultati f'kull paġna:
Better regulate the middle chain in food systems to ensure transparency, accountability, fair...
Promote smart investments in research and education to facilitate sustainable production and...
Implement higher carbon taxes on personal vehicles to incentivize zero-carbon mobility options....
A more extensive debate is essential for the concept of a wellbeing economy, particularly...