Deliberação dos cidadãos europeus sobre a transição ecológica
Rumo a um Pacto Europeu para o Futuro - Traçar as próximas etapas da nossa transição ecológica
Wellbeing Economy: Comprehensive Debate Needed
A more extensive debate is essential for the concept of a wellbeing economy, particularly concerning nature, future generations, and discussions beyond growth. The debate should encompass conceptual considerations, interconnections between measures, and intersections with other areas.
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2 comentários
Conversa com Saki Rosenqvist
Olen samaa mieltä. Tieteellinen lähestymistapa todellisuuteen ja tulevaisuuteen, kehityskulkuja eri vaihtoehdoilla pohtien, on välttämätöntä, jotta ihmisten kiinnostus ja keskittyminen saadaan herätettyä. Aihe tuntuu olevan monille ei pelkästään vieras, vaan pelottava, sillä se edellyttää elintapojen ja myös kulutuskäyttäytymisen muuttamista, ja muutokset ovat usein haastavia henkisesti aloittaa.
The translation of the above comment does not work. Here is the translated comment:
I agree. A scientific approach to reality and to the future, considering the trajectories of different options, is necessary to get people interested and focused. The subject seems to be not only alien to many people, but frightening, as it requires a change in lifestyle and also in consumer behaviour, and changes are often mentally challenging to initiate.
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