Феміністичний фестиваль
#FeministFestival Громадянське обговорення "зеленого" переходу
Після заходу: консолідація рекомендацій
21.04.2024 - 27.04.2024
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Changes at "Коли ми можемо зустрітися онлайн, після Феміністичного фестивалю, щоб завершити роботу над нашими рекомендаціями?"
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Вказівки до участі (English)
We therefore wants to hear from you already now, when would be a good day for you to meet in the week of 20-26 May. Please also indicate which time suits you best. To better understand the process, see the page on process phases.
We therefore wants to hear from you already now, when would be a good day for you to meet in the week of 19-24 May. Please also indicate which time suits you best. To better understand the process, see the page on process phases.
Version author
Version created at
14:25 27.03.2024