Taħditiet Selvaġġi
#wildtalks Deliberazzjoni taċ-ċittadini dwar it-Tranżizzjoni Ekoloġika
Wara l-avveniment: tikkonsolida r-rakkomandazzjonijiet
17/06/2024 - 30/06/2024
Fażijiet tal-proċess
Bidliet fi " Civil society organizations (CSOs) and community-based groups should have greater involvement in decision-making processes”
Modalità ta’ viżwalizzazzjoni biex tqabbel:
Modalità ta’ viżwalizzazzjoni HTML:
- +{"en"=>" Civil society organizations (CSOs) and community-based groups should have greater involvement in decision-making processes", "bg"=>"", "cs"=>"", "de"=>"", "el"=>"", "es"=>"", "et"=>"", "fi"=>"", "fr"=>"", "ga"=>"", "hr"=>"", "hu"=>"", "it"=>"", "lt"=>"", "lv"=>"", "mk"=>"", "mt"=>"", "nl"=>"", "pl"=>"", "pt"=>"", "ro"=>"", "sk"=>"", "sl"=>"", "sr"=>"", "sv"=>"", "uk"=>"", "da"=>""}
Kontenut prinċipali
Civil society organizations (CSOs) and community-based groups should have greater involvement in decision-making processes, using tools like deliberative democracy to address chemical pollution more effectively.
", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]
Awtur tal-verżjonijiet
Verżjoni maħluqa fi
18/11/2024 18:24