Polish citizen assembly on food policy
How to ensure that by 2030 food consumed in Poland is healthy and produced in an environmentally friendly manner?
Recruitment of Parties
Do you represent an institution, NGO, informal group or other entity whose activities are related to the topic of the panel or directly affected by the issues raised in the panel? Apply to participate as a party to the panel! The call for applications has just been launched.
Being a Party to the Panel is an interesting form of engagement especially for community organizations dealing with climate, sustainability, organic agriculture, as well as for farmers' movements, farmers' unions or activist groups.
In panels organized at the city level, Parties have a chance to present their statements live in front of the panelists; in the nationwide panel, we invite you to submit your position in the format of a short recording. A Party participates in the Panel by means of a pre-submitted recording of a presentation/speech with proposed solution(s) to the Organizer. The presentation/speech should be in the form of a video recording in Polish, lasting no longer than 3 minutes.
Recordings from Parties participating in the Panel are published on the Panel's website. Information about the list of recordings is provided to the Panelists during the Panel meeting.
How to apply?
Fill out this short form: https://poledialogu.typeform.com/to/EaoMniA3. Applications will be accepted until Thursday, June 13 this year at 12:00 p.m. In the form, please add a recording of your presentation or speech in the form of a video of up to 3 minutes.
Important information
Party representatives cannot be members and members of the Monitoring Team, invited Experts and Experts, as well as persons drawn to participate in the Panel. If you perform one of the above functions during the Panel, please do not fill out the form for Parties.
For questions related to recruitment for Parties, please contact us - email: m.wojcieszak@poledialogu.org.pl or phone: +48 793 638 701.