Wild Talks
#wildtalks A citizens deliberation on the Green Transition
Changes at "Chemical pollution "
Title (Srpski)
- +Хемијско загађење
Description (Srpski)
У Европи и широм света, индустрије користе хемикалије за прављење свакодневних ствари као што су предмети за домаћинство, играчке, одећа, намештај и електроника. Проблем је што се изложеност овим хемикалијама повећава. Још тридесетих година прошлог века произведено је око милион тона хемикалија, а сада је то преко 500 милиона тона. Овај раст се дешава чак и брже од глобалне економије. Очекује се да ће до 2020. порасти за 63%. Оно што забрињава је да хемикалије временом постају све токсичније.
Description (English)
In Europe and around the world, industries use chemicals to make everyday things like household items, toys, clothes, furniture, and electronics. The problem is that exposure to these chemicals is increasing. Back in the 1930s, about 1 million tonnes of chemicals were produced, but now it's over 500 million tonnes. This growth is happening even faster than the global economy. By 2020, it's expected to increase by 63%. What's concerning is that the chemicals are becoming more toxic over time.
In Europe and around the world, industries use chemicals to make everyday things like household items, toys, clothes, furniture, and electronics. The problem is that exposure to these chemicals is increasing. Back in the 1930s, about 1 million tonnes of chemicals were produced, but now it's over 500 million tonnes. This growth is happening even faster than the global economy. By 2020, it's expected to increase by 63%. What's concerning is that the chemicals are becoming more toxic over time.