Festival femminista
#FeministFestival Una delibera popolare sulla transizione verde
Modifiche a "Quando dovremmo incontrarci online, dopo il Feminist Festival, per finalizzare le nostre raccomandazioni?"
Titolo (English)
- -Post-event call - When should we meet online to finalise our recommendations?
- +When should we meet online, after the Feminist Festival, to finalise our recommendations?
Descrizione (English)
After the Feminist Festival:
- Organisers will tidy up our join recommendations
- then you will have two weeks to give input online.
- After the two weeks has passed, we will have an online call to discuss the input and collectively approve or remove edits.
Following the conclusion of the Feminist Festival, organizers will consolidate the recommendations generated from our collective efforts. Subsequently, there will be a two-week period for participants to provide online input. Once this period elapses, we will convene an online meeting to discuss the feedback received and collectively approve or reject edits. For further clarification on this process, please refer to the page outlining the process phases.
Istruzioni per partecipare (English)
We therefore wants to hear from you already now, when would be a good day for you to meet in the week of 19-24 May. Please also indicate which time suits you best. To better understand the process, see the page on process phases.
We want to hear from you already now, when would be a good day for you to meet in the week of 19-24 May. Please also indicate which time suits you best.